【同义词辨析】 2018-07-05 洞察discernment-acumen

discernment: stresses accuracy, as for example, in reading character or motives or appreciating art: had not the ~ to know who her friends really were. (accuracy准确precision精确(密)的区别: 准确表示正确形容具体动作或结果;精确精密表示每次都正确这一属性,形容人或仪器设备,现实很多人不区分)

discrimination: stresses the power to distinguish and select what is true or appropriate or excellent: acquire ~ by looking at a lot of art.

perception: implies quick and often sympathetic discernment AND delicacy of feeling: a novelist of keen ~.

penetration: implies a searching mind that goes beyond what is obvious or superficial: had not the ~ to see beneath their deceptive facade.

insight: suggests depth of discernment coupled with sympathetic understanding: a documentary providing ~ into the plight of the homeless. (sympathetic这里不是同情,而是有感觉,不翻译)

acumen: implies consistent penetration combined with keen practical judgment: a theatre director with reliable critical ~.

discernment识别力: 强调准确,如解读性格动机欣赏艺术,discrimination鉴别: 强调区分选择真实合适优秀事物,perception敏锐感知: 敏锐识别(quick,sympathetic)精细感觉(delicacy),penetration穿透洞察力: 能超越肤浅表面,insight深入见解:深刻识别并且理解, acumen睿智: 一贯的洞察力并且敏锐的判断力

记忆方法:1)DDPPIA想成DP DP AI深深爱==>洞察来自深爱

         2)洞察的意思是能够看到常人看不到的mean a power to see what is not evident to the average mind.